Being In The Right Place

Being in the right place at the right time is it kismet? Serendipity? Fate? I often wonder. 

The last couple of weeks at work have been rough – a lot of deadlines, work I do not enjoy, judgement, frustrations, heavy workload, and stress.  

This leads to not exercising enough, getting enough movement, and not making healthy food choices.  How do we show up and bring our best selves each day? 

Often we need to recharge and remember how to frame things. What we can control, influence, and make a choice about. We cannot always do the first 2 but we can always do the latter. 

My tank was empty, exhausted, and depleted. After an amazing bubble bath, spinning class and a good night's sleep Friday night, on Saturday I decided that I needed to refuel. Do things that brought me joy, get realigned, and recharged. 

Errands, chores, self-care, and reflection (journal writing) plus a binge on Bridgerton Season 2 – good to go. 

I decided on Saturday to take myself for lunch. I went to Joeys in my neighbourhood (which is unusual as I usually go to Browns) where I sat in the lounge. 

Had the most amazing server Mohamad – he is a gay professional dancer with some of the most stunning tattoos. He has had a tough go as a professional dancer during COVID, as live theatre and productions have shut down for the past couple of years, hence his serving at Joey's.  He shared the name of an artist who happened to be his BFF, that has built her business one tattoo at a time. 

My connection with him started when I saw his Moth Tattoo. I have been trying to decide on my next tattoo, and when I saw it I knew what ink I wanted next. 

I googled moth meaning as I believe tattoos need to be meaningful and resonate with you (it is permanent after all 😊). Our interaction on that Saturday afternoon was spontaneous and meaningful. It was two people listening, hearing and sharing with each other; it was living. 

One interpretation of the meaning of moths:

“They teach us that darkness and light are integrated co-creative life forces. Although the moths come out at night – they are drawn to the light. Only from this sacred union of light and dark can co-creative miracles emerge and authentic transformation and purpose be expressed.”

Sometimes we are drawn to do things and go places. After my stressful week, I could have stayed in bed all day, but I did not. I knew that I had to reconnect to myself and get out of my funky headspace. Happenstance – I don’t think so. We need movement to create momentum. 

Tattoo of a month on a person's arm.
Woman dressed i white with arms out, on a field of red flowers.

🎵 Songs of the Week 🎵

Feelin’ Good Again by Robert Earl Keen

You Can’t Always Get What You Want by The Rolling Stones

What people call serendipity sometimes is just having your eyes open.
— Jose Manuel Barroso


Being Open


Being Inspired