Being Open

Sometimes we get blocked or stuck – maybe you are in a rut, you don't feel quite like yourself, or there is something wrong that you can't quite define.

This recently happened to me. There was no big event or logical explanation, but just a feeling of un-alignment. In my experience, when this occurs the best approach is to be open to exploring different things and ideas. 

A few weeks ago I attended a Kirtan Music experience, where 2 yogis strummed, drummed, and chanted. There were 60 of us in a small studio in Coquitlam on a Saturday night sitting on the floor listening and chanting along. There was something incredibly soothing about singing/chanting for 90 minutes together. It grounds you, relaxes you, and allows you to re-align. It was my first chanting experience and I was not sure what to expect, but I attended it with a completely open mind. 

The next day I went to an acupuncturist. He told me my meridians were blocked and my chi was not flowing. So of course I said – unblock them 😊 Let the chi flow…

He placed a hot rock on my belly button, then strategically placed needles all over my body – my head, ears, wrists, hands, legs, feet and face. Turned the lights out and said to breathe deep and relax, and then left me alone for 45 minutes. 

These 2 experiences, along with a good hour of my RMT, some forest bathing, and sleep left me feeling realigned. There was no eureka as to what was blocking me, or even a moment when I knew I was unblocked.  I think It was being open to exploring things that I had never experienced. That was enough to allow me to reset. I knew that evening that I was back to being myself. 

Be open. You may never know why you were feeling off, but a good technique to get back on track is being present in new spaces and experiences. 

What will you try this week? What do you have a judgement about that maybe needs to shift? 

Yogis at Jai Yoga
Acupuncture needles on a woman's back.

🎵 Song of the Week 🎵

I Can See Clearly Now by Holly Cole

A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.
— Frank Zappa


Being Happy


Being In The Right Place