Being One That Journals

Jan 1, 2022, I started my new Happiness Project a 5 year, one-sentence journal - This is a five-year record journal. This is my 3rd one. For over ten years I write one sentence (well actually 2 or 3 as you get 4 lines per day) Each page is one day with 5 years laid out. See image (notice the date it is open on? – Jan 12, Happy Birthday to me).

Opened journal.

The first year is good but it is the 2nd and subsequent years that are more meaningful as you can see where you were on that day years before. In some cases, you are having déjà vu – as we have patterns in life. 

Other times you can reflect on how you have grown and evolved (at least I hope).

Journaling is amazing because it gets you in the habit of jotting down the highlights of each day to reflect upon. 

I keep 4 journals – which may seem like a lot but each serves a purpose and has been part of my practice for decades. 

  1. 5-year Happiness Journal – daily highlights

  2. 5-minute journal – which is where I jot down 3 things that I am grateful for, 3 things that would make the day great ahead, and a couple affirmations

  3. My daily journal – where I write whatever I feel like. Some days it’s a page and other days it's multiple pages where I reflect on different things

  4. Aha journal – this one is only for aha moments, eureka moments, or significant/profound shifts in my thinking

There are many benefits of keeping a journal. Mostly it is a way to write down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It can provide some reflection, venting, exploration, or just documentation. It is up to you. 

Plus… there are so many beautiful journals to start your journey. 

🎵 Song of the Week 🎵
Closer to Fine – Indigo Girls

If you want to write, you need to keep an honest, unpublishable journal that nobody reads, nobody but you.
— Madeleine L’Engle


Being One With Rituals


Being Seussical