Being Patient Learning A New Skill

I am determined to become a master guitar player, which is highly unlikely at the age of 54 but I don’t care, I will keep on channeling my inner rockstar.  Perhaps it is growing up in the 80s when there were so many incredible musicians. To me, there is a freedom in playing the electric guitar that I can feel when I play. There are so many great guitar heroes —  we all have our favourites. I have many from Jackson Browne to Eddie Van Halen.

My approach to any new endeavour is to ensure that I have the right equipment. This is generally achieved after hours of YouTube and internet research, full Amazon shopping carts, and trips to Long and McQuade.


Talent is Overrated by Geoff Colvin states 10,000 hours of practice will make you a master at anything. 10,000 hours on the guitar will not be happening – but it inspires me to realize that small changes = big results. I need to practice, practice, practice – so I have committed in 2022 to practice the guitar 20 -30 minutes a day and I should know some chords and be able to play a song. We will see — I will keep you posted as I progress.  I have promised my daughter, son-in-law, and grandson that this summer I will perform for them. For me, setting a goal or objective is what motivates me.

For my birthday I got a new electric guitar case (so when I show up for my gigs I have something to carry my guitar in 😊). I decided that a black case was too boring and put a call out for stickers to collect from family and friends to cover my case. This is such a fun project and I had an overwhelming response which I hope will continue. Many friends and family are embracing the request and are sending me stickers to cover my black boring case from all over the world with many different images.

🎵 Song:
Crazy Train – Ozzy Osbourne
RIP Randy Rhodes (one of my favourite guitar players)

Interest is the most important thing in life; happiness is temporary, but interest is continuous.
— Georgia O'Keeffe


Being Accountable

