Being Accountable

One of my favourite expressions is "go big or go home." It has been a mantra that has served me well and also caused me some grief. 

This year I committed to writing 52 blog entries, one each week to hold myself accountable and share my experiences as I make life changes. These changes include playing the guitar for 20-30 minutes a day to reinforce the habit of deliberate practice; focusing on my wellness in all aspects – nutrition, movement, mental, physical, and financial health; and spending more time with my friends. We have committed to doing the tough Mudder in June (so I am in count down mode). At work, we have a year-long wellness challenge that I have signed up for. So, I have all the tools to help me be successful. 

My daughters often point out that I need to develop patience. Although, I don’t like to hear them say "I told you so." I am trusting the process – all my goals this year require patience with the diligence of being committed to small habit changes. 

Making small changes, tiny habit shifts, and deliberate practice. These are the foundations of creating lasting habits and big changes.

So… I will be tracking my progress in this blog to add another layer of accountability to my goals this year. I will share my wins, setbacks, experiences, thoughts, all with a sense of humour (I hope). 

The next few weeks I have set out a few daily objectives:

  • Drink 2 litres of water

  • Eat 15 grams of protein for breakfast

  • Eat PFFG (protein, good fat, fibre, and greens) for lunch and dinner

  • Go outside for 30 minutes

  • Use the Calm app - Daily calm, daily trip, daily jay, daily movement (allows for 2 sets of 10-min meditation, inspiration, and movement in the workday)

Setting my intention for the day is essential and works best for me when it is done in the morning. Having an intention encourages me to commit to small changes and tiny habits that will allow me to make the big changes that I want. 

Kim 2.0!!!! 

What goals are important to you in 2022? How do you change or create habits? 

🎵 Song:
Gimme Sympathy – Metric

A habit cannot be tossed out the window; it must be coaxed down the stairs a step at a time.
— Mark Twain


Being Amma


Being Patient Learning A New Skill