Being Still

This month, I've been fortunate to experience many highlights. My friend celebrated a milestone birthday and got her first tattoo, my daughter aged another year, my aunt turned 75, I returned to school after 2 decades, wrote an exam, had an amazing Reiki session, enjoyed saunas and massages, experienced both forward and backward steps, said goodbye to colleagues and friends, attended a surreal Government Mule concert (where many over-50-year-old men were stoned—I sadly missed hearing "Soulshine" live ☹, but I added it to my playlist), tried puppy yoga, and had some remarkable personal and professional experiences, including a few "aha" moments. What a February 2024 it's been!


During my Reiki session, my practitioner always draws a card. This time, she pulled from Colette Baron-Reid’s “Goddess Power Oracle” deck, and I have scribed some of the messages. It's funny how some oracle messages seem to resonate, and this one did for me:

Card 16: Gaia – Earth 
“Empowerment message: Being grounded, slowing down, and remaining present in your body is the message the Greek goddess Gaia has for you right now. Perhaps you’ve spent too much time in your head lately and have not taken as good care of yourself as you would have liked. Get into a rhythm, make sure you get enough sleep, commit to spending more time in nature, and eat sustainability with conscious awareness. Gaia, the earth mother of all life, invites you to pay attention to your body for you are a creature of the earth as well as spirit. 
You are part of this living earth, which is the foundation for all of life that has a physical form. What form does your life take? This is the perfect time to take a closer look to ensure you are happy with it. You’re also asked to examine the foundation of what you are building now. Does it feel solid and stable? Now is the perfect time to focus on stability and security, ensuring you move forward in a grounded way.”

As mentioned earlier — returning to school, a busy work schedule, and experiences and milestones with friends and family, I've felt out of touch with myself. I have this feeling that I am in a stage of transition. This Gaia card really reminded me of what was missing, how I often am cerebral, and what I needed to tether onto to find my way back home to what I envision for myself. With so much going on, sometimes I forget what grounds me, keeps me still, aligns me, and allows me to conscientiously live.


What grounds you? Aligns you? When you have a lot going on, how do you find some stillness and momentum?

Be open to the signs around you – be aware of what is. Savour your present and stand still to see what enters your space.

For me – it’s meditation, spinning, nature, and some of my favourite songs (you can visualize me dancing in the kitchen while coffee brews). It’s all about balance. This month, I got my mojo back – to be still. Thank you Gaia!

🎵 Songs of the Week 🎵

Soulshine by Gov’t Mule

S.O.B. by Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats

Dancing In The Moonlight by Thin Lizzy

Drops of Jupiter by Train

Blue on Black by Kenny Wayne Shepherd


💿 Being’s Blog Playlist 💿


Being Strong


Being Ready for What You Want!