Being Grounded

I spent Easter this year in beautiful Summerland with my daughter, son-in-law, and grandson. Easter is one of my favourite long weekend holidays; a 4 day weekend, spring weather, ham, and lots of chocolate. Seeing my daughter always inspires me and reminds me to embrace simplicity. 

Early to bed and early to rise so that I am well rested and ready for the day ahead. Clean eating with locally produced and grown ingredients.

We had packed days but with an easy-going pace. Taylor, Tyler, and Elden live an ideal life on a beautiful property in a comfortable home. They are grounded with a commitment to living their best life. There is a simplicity to their lifestyle that makes for such richness. 

One of the joys to start each morning was seeing Elden’s smiling face ready to take on the day. He wakes up so happy. We danced to Winnie the Pooh and classic Disney songs. Great start to the day! 

On the long weekend we:

  • Had lots of philosophical discussions sharing different perspectives on a variety of topics

  • Had frequent visits from friends and family

  • Learned about supplements, herbs, foraging, and some new foods (tried sunchokes for the first time, they are so good – I will have them again)

  • Did yard work, chores, ran errands, read, cooked, and cleaned cars

  • Went to the local farmer's market and nursery to get annuals and herbs for planting

  • Visited the neighbourhood playground and went for walks

I have such respect and admiration for my daughter and her family for their lifestyle and choices. They live a life that is filled with friends, family, and a strong sense of community. 

This Easter I felt that I took a step back, got grounded, and was reminded about what matters. 

How do you celebrate spring? What grounds you? Recharges you? 

My daughter Taylor holding her son Elden

🎵 Songs of the Week 🎵

O-O-H Child" - Guardians of The Galaxy OST

Winnie The Pooh Theme Song

The Bare Necessities - The Jungle Book


💿 Being’s Blog Playlist 💿

Flying starts from the ground. The more grounded you are, the higher you fly.
— J.R. Rim


Being Organized


Being Happy